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Automatic Price Calculation

TimeTime allows automatic calculation of prices for booking slots. This feature ensures that the price is dynamically calculated based on predefined rules and associated with specific event types. Below are the key steps and concepts related to automatic price calculation:

Define a Pricing Policy

Before any prices can be calculated, you need to create a pricing policy. A pricing policy in TimeTime can be:

  • Fixed: For example, a flat rate of €30 per booking, regardless of the duration.
  • Scaled: The price depends on the length of the reservation (e.g., €30 for 1 hour, €50 for 2 hours).
  • Time-Based: Prices can also vary based on specific time intervals. For instance, you might set a different price for weekends and holidays, another for weekday mornings, and a third for weekday evenings.

You can create a pricing policy using our API or using the web app.


For more information on how to create and manage pricing policies, refer to our pricing policies documentation.

Associate a Pricing Policy with an Event-Type

Once your pricing policy is defined, you need to associate it with an event-type. This step is essential to link a pricing strategy with a specific type of event, such as a consultation, meeting, or other booking types. This can be done using the Payments & prices section of the web app or using our API.

Example payload
// ...other fields
pricingPolicy: {
id: "uiid-of-the-pricing-policy-you-want-to-link-to-the-event-type";

Availability Requests with Prices

After the pricing policy is linked to an event-type, every availability request will include the price of each available slot in the response. The system automatically calculates these prices based on the associated pricing policy and the time of the booking.

GET{id}/availabilityAPI DOCS
Example response
// ... other fields
"timeSlots": [
"start": "2024-10-03T23:00:00Z",
"end": "2024-10-04T00:00:00Z",
"score": 0.0,
"price": null
"start": "2024-10-04T16:00:00Z",
"end": "2024-10-04T17:00:00Z",
"score": 1.0,
"price": {
"currency": "EUR",
"amount": "50"

If no pricing policy is associated with an event-type, the system will not display or return any price in the availability response. In this case, the system operates as a standard booking system, focusing solely on availability.